All posts by Minh
Minh | April 8, 2015
Formula Drift Tech Day and XS Car Nights | Coverage
Living in southern California where there is always something going on in the car scene and sometimes there...
Minh | March 23, 2015
Ice Cream Dates with Sara Choi | HOODRATstuff
It’s great that I’m friends with a lot of creative people like my friends Celso Nimo and Vu...
Minh | March 22, 2015
Washington Part Three | RO Explore
Another morning, another adventure, this time we were going to explore the nature side of Washington and get...
Minh | March 20, 2015
Washington Part Two | RO Explore
Waking up to the cold brisk air of Washington was something unfamiliar. The air was so crisp and...
Minh | March 16, 2015
Washington | RO Explore
Washington has been one of the states that I’ve been wanting to visit on the west coast for...
Minh | March 12, 2015
The Big Day | Enjoy Sin
The big day was here, all the planning we’ve been doing for the past three months has led...
Minh | March 11, 2015
Enjoy Sin | Dreamer77 Coverage
Photo coverage by our good friends over at Dreamer77. Enjoy!
Minh | March 5, 2015
We are making a trip out to the Seattle area, and would love to see our Pacific North...
Minh | March 5, 2015
OMWTFYB | Enjoy Sin
It was finally here, the weekend of the Enjoy Sin car meet with HNRS. We’ve been counting the...
Minh | March 4, 2015
More Preparations | Enjoy Sin
A very important thing to check before a long road trip is your alignment and tire wear. Thankfully,...