RO in Japan | A Day in Kyoto
Back with another edition of #ROinJapan, the group decided to use the most of our JR pass and head down south to Kyoto. Kyoto is known for their many temples and being the city where green tea originated from. As usual, we woke up early at the break of dawn to catch the first 8AM shinkansen(bullet train) to Kyoto.
First stop the Golden Temple of Kyoto!
The long ass garden you have to walk through to buy tickets to get inside the temple.
These look like those papers, wizards would throw onto the hopping zombies in Chinese movies to control them.
The golden temple.
I felt like I was in a postcard.
It was pretty cool to see the temple in person, definitely something to experience when you’re in Japan.
Throwing coins in for good luck. The people at the temple really know how to make that money.
The temple offered candles that had prayers on it such as to be better in school, success in your career or finding love.
The next stop, Fushimi Inari Taisha where there are more than 10,000 toriis(little gates).
Students cleansing their hands and mouths before entering the shrine.
The animal of this shrine is the fox who holds the keys to the gates,
Pull these bells and hope your prayers come true.
Finally at the first Torii.
My God, this was a crazy experience walking through all of these toriis.
We thought it eventually ended, but it just kept on going.
These stairs never end..
So.. when we got to the top there was just another shrine. We thought there would be a sick view or something, but nope it was just another shrine.. So if you’re not about walking an hour up some stairs to see a shrine that is identical to the other 50 shrines on the way up, then don’t waste your time walking all the way up. Oh yeah, try the green tea ice cream in Kyoto. It’s fucking good.