Formula Drift 2013 | Irwindale
I hope you enjoyed our last post which was mostly focused on the Slammed Society showcase. I love talking about myself so I’ll be showing you Irwindale through my eyes and what I experienced. The morning of the show was pretty hectic, we had to get enough food for the whole day, drinks, pack up a canopy and a hundred folding chairs into my car. Somehow we were able to fit most of it in my compact IS250. We were suppose to leave Stanton at 9:30 AM, but shit out of luck we ended up leaving at 10:14 AM. I had planned for Heather to drive my car while I did some rolling shots, but she ate a bunch of frosted flakes that morning and couldn’t make it. Somehow I ended up with Thao in my car, but she’s been riding dirty without a licenses for a while so she had to be the photographer. I just set the settings for her and let her fire away.
Big Vinh aka Wonderful Vinh aka I have LSD and a turboed KA now barely got his car finished for the show.
John’s DC2 looking fast as fuck with all that aero.
Casey’s sick Cressida.
Max Up Style yo.
The motherfucking dentist checking if yo grille be clean.
Neel in his newly acquired LS400.
This year was a bit more of a hassle as mention in the previous post. Irwindale security was really on our asses about not being able to take passengers even if they had a ticket. People were yelling left and right, tensions were high and all because they didn’t want to let loved ones through the gate even if they paid for a ticket already.
After all the commotion settled down, we got the cars set up and the fun began.
Avant Garde hired a really cute Japanese model. Meet Yuya Sano.
A big crowd for the cheap seats.
Even girls enjoying some drifting or just talking about how cool their nails look in the sun.
Spotted Matt’s other race car. I wonder if he’ll let me drive this one too.
Matt Field’s S14 on some Rotiform TMB’s.
The coolest car in Formula D! Robbie Nishida’s SC300. I hope he brings it back next year.
The ninja Saito, sad to see he didn’t do as well as last year.
Ken Gushi’s FRS with a sick livery by Jon Sibal.
This chaser is so bad ass!! We need more imported Japanese goodness in Formula D.
Can’t get enough of this! Wish it had the rear bumper on but this car is all about functionality.
Straight into the drifting action! Matt Field leaving a bunch of smoke for his opponent.
Matt Powers putting in work and not on middled aged Asian women this time.
Taka Aono’s AE86 was killing it that day!
Competing against big sponsored cars and winning!
Getting real close.
The next couple of photos will be all just tandem shots. Don’t want to be repetitive with what I say, so I’ll just let you guys enjoy the photos.
Jhonnattan Castro crashing hard into the wall.
Luckily, his car didn’t flip like the cars from Friday’s session. He walked off with no visible injuries.
Did a creeper shot of this Falken umbrella girl. Pretty sure she knew I was taking this photo.
Another model spotting..
Started to get use to doing panning shots and got some pretty cool photos.
Break time until top 16.
Felt the need to get this shot of Ken Gushi’s car.
Made our way back to Young’s car for some refreshments. He had mangos and juices all ready for us.
Thao being our little hostess. A girl with many talents : photographer, hostess and water cooler model.
Spotted this guy doing something behind Jay’s Miata..
He was just a big roadster fan and wanted a photo with Jay’s Miata.
The showcase was jammed pack. What I love about the Slammed Society show it is always full of enthusiasts instead of thirsty ass motherfuckers that are at car shows just for models.
Fatlace getting the awards and prizes ready.
Max looking pretty.
I’ll take everything.
I was making my way to my car to switch lens and caught this guy talking trash about my exhaust. HAHA.
I honestly don’t give a fuck about what people say about my car. I do what I want and having a Junction Produce exhaust is what I am most proud of. To prove the authenticity I use the extension that the exhaust comes with at shows.
Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love but I don’t want none of the above. I just want to piss on you.
Royal Origin x Unlimited Auto Craft.
Crazy S13 rocking Brandon’s wide ass TMB’s.
Dat really excited for some reason.
The Honda game was on point at this show. Really loved the CRX’s that showed this year.
Mr. Yogi Bear’s GS.
Caught this guy sleeping during the awards announcement.
We started to fuck around..
and then this happened…
Well that escalated quickly..
Congrats to the home boy Marq for winning first place VIP!
Cool Subie from Tailored. In the market for one right now, hopefully I’ll find something..
This RX-7 tho. It’s the same one from last year who won Best Slammed. Nice new changes.
This s14 was pretty sick too and low as hell.
Phat getting that booth space.
Wanted a photo of Noel’s FRS, but every time I stopped by to attempt a shot, a fucking fanboy would be gawking at it for hours.
Had to aim my camera at something else while I was waiting..
Kyle’s crazy S13 with hotrod influence. A definite hate it or love it kind of thing. There are some parts that I don’t agree with on this car, but I can respect the time and effort it took for everything done on this car. At the end of the day it’s not my car, so why do I give a fuck? Do what you want and fuck everyone else.
If you showed me this photo of Big Vinh’s S13 a year ago and told me it would look like this. I would not believe you and tell you that whatever drugs you’re on I want double of it.
So crazy..
Matt Field cruising to top 16.
Formula Drift had a cool fireworks show before top 16.
Phat reparked with us and it was perfect timing.
Jay, Keith and Big Vinh went to go get some night shots for us.
Jay was more interested in getting photos of Vinh.
Drivers introduction.
Vinh and Jay have a thing going on or something.
The one good shot… Well that’s it for Irwindale! Hope you enjoyed the post and like always more photos in the gallery.
Instagram – @NGUASS
Words by Minh
Photos by Angelo and Minh