December 16th was a day I was looking forward to since the start of December. The first reason was because I wanted to unveil my car and the second reason was because it was going to be Style Over Comfort’s one year meet. There were plenty of things going on that day. 88 Rotors threw a meet that day, as well as 9k racing/AWOL. Although there were different things going on, I already knew which one I would attend, and yup, it was most definitely going to be STYLE OVER COMFORT’s meet. Anh, the owner of SOC, is a very good friend of mine, so I knew that the meet was where I would debut my car.
I got there around 11AM and the parking lot was already packed. The first thing I noticed was Dogzilla, so I was extremely excited right from the get go. The next thing I notice was that the complex was surrounded by speed bumps. It was the first time ever in my life going over a speed bump in my car, and I was surprised as to how easy it was. I always thought I would automatically get stuck but that wasn’t the case. I then found a parking spot, thanks to Minh and Anh, and hopped out of my car to say hello to everyone.
The meet itself had a good turnout in my opinion. Cars from Phaze2, Its JDM Yo vanguard, and Oniwagens came out to show some love to Anh and everyone at SOC. I only took a couple of photos due to the rain and me being lazy, but Minh has more photos of the meet as well as our little adventure to Downtown Disney after the meet.
This A3 has to be the sexiest A3 my eyes have ever seen!
Some of the wheels inside VIP Modular.
Mike’s extremely sexy E30.
Yoshi contemplating on how to turn his car into a race car.
This was a test shot to check my exposure, but it turned out pretty cool, showing Minh’s crazy exhaust tips.
Marc’s gangster of gangster E38, that shit’s STATIC!
Its JDM Yo’S NSX; no words can explain how sexy this car is.
This S2000 is always parked next to it and you can see why. Both cars look so sexy next to each other.
If god were a photographer, that’s how he would smile every time he took a picture.
Chris’ sexy XB with full Rocket Bunny aero, and full JDM front bumper, rear hatch, and rear bumper , it looks like it’s straight out of Japan.
Great times spent with the Style Over Comfort crew! Check back for more photos by Minh.
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