7 Nights and 7 Leaves
By Minh |
7 nights a day, we roam the streets of Westminster for sweet substance to go down our throats. On most occasions we’re usually seen kicking it at Tastea, but tonight we decided to mix it up at 7 Leaves. Also because Abbitt is addicted to the coffee here.
7 Leaves is famous for their Mung Bean Milk Tea. Definitely a must try.
Yes, we’re those assholes.
When Abbitt isn’t in his work cave, he’s usually here.
I hope tumblr likes this photo.
She has a big booty that’s why I call her big booty.
I hope AWfilms reposts this photo.
Man the color balance is fucked in this photo.
I just want to travel and see cool things. Follow me on Instagram and twitter @nguminh and @thefoodadventurist.
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