Hot Import Nights 2013
It’s been a long time since I went to a Hot Import Night’s show or any show for that matter. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I was heading there. I just knew that the people who used to run the show aren’t a part of it anymore and there are some new cats taking over. The show was a lot smaller than expected, being that it was in the parking lot of the Fontana Speedway. For a moment, I thought that the parking lot was really packed because of this show, but it turned out that Hot Import Nights was on the same day as a Nascar event. Anyways, along my journey through the parking lot I spotted some cool cars.
Nascar fans are hardcore.
TL on some 5 spoke wheels.
This EVO looks show worthy.
People were saying that this might be Noel’s old Corolla.
CRZ on TE-37s.
This was the first thing you would have seen, walking into HIN. A Mastretta, never heard of this company until Ryan talked about it’s origin…made in Mexico.
Mr. Mike Vo and his impressively wrapped GS.
Royal Flush Q45, perfectly fitted.
Droo’s cleanass Q45 from Royal Flush.
Black Power Ranger approved 911. This car is immaculate, but I wish the front wheels had a deep lip like the rear.
Glen’s S2K from Long Beach Auto Tech.
With some rare SSR’s and reppin’ hoodratstuff!
Someone brought a Formula Drift car to the show.
Impressive tubing.
Clean G from Limitless Society.
Met up with Sam and Keith from itsjdmyo, so they could teach me how to shoot some proper photos.
Sam and Keith doing work!
I love this CRX so much from the engine work to the awesome BBS RS.
Black and Gold BBS RS.
Immaculate xB from it’s jdm yo!
Favorite track wheels RPF1’s. in SBC.
The Stay Crushing FRS, wingless.
They say my exhaust sticks out too much, check out this boso style Cressida.
I would imagine it would be difficult to put a car together to flow with the boso style exhaust, the owner of this Cressida did it very well in my opinion.
BMW E46 on TE37s.
Custom widebody FRS?
Saw these girls walk by, so we followed them like normal men do..
They were at a booth selling bikinis? Didn’t know the HIN demographics was into this.
The girl on the left had a intense sex face everytime she posed.
Go-go dancers, this is what HIN is known for.
The model booth had a swarm of photographers as usual. Makes it quite difficult to get a good shot in.
Hello there anonymous girl.
My new instagram friend Hayle.
Two different edits, not sure which one I like more.
Thanks for posing!
Ngan Vo.
The star of the show, Trinity Dang came kind of late.
I could forgive her though. haha.
My favorite model of the whole show. John Fob. Check out those curves!
DJ Angie Vee. She could also pass as a model at the show.
Thanks Keith for find me a ticket to go watch some Nascar racing.
Watching Nascar was pretty intense. The roar of the engines freakin hurt my ears so much. Nascar fans went crazy when the cars zoomed by the grandstands.
Went back to the show to do some more coverage. Check out that fitment!
E46 from Project Zero.
Reppin’ our sticker. Thanks a lot!
Gautam’s M5 on purple CCW’s.
Hope they don’t run on Filipino time too.
Michael Mao’s NSX getting all the girls.
So dreamy.
Show car fitment.
Classic Hot Import Nights stuff.
Heard this Camry always wins the light show award too.
IP Man’s Civic.
Rari from 88 Rotors.
Most random thing at the show was this boat…
I was so in love with this tracked out E46.
So much win in one photo. HRE wheels, a nice diffuser, and a Voltex wing.
Dumped Accord coupe.
Speaking of dumped Accords, I believe this car is owned by a dude named Ultraman.
The rising sun Integra.
Silver and Teal combo is working well for this S2K.
Holy lug nuts.
When did Goku only have three fingers?
This Mustang is awesome. Heard it won best JDM. LOL.
Sadly, I couldn’t stay until nighttime because I was over the show already. Maybe next time I’ll stay later for some cool night shots. Check out the rest of the photos in the gallery!