Cruised around with the usual suspects today. Got some wheels tucked and ready to fuck. Let’s see who’s getting it in today…
Some Rotiform NUE’s ready to be mounted.
Brandon’s awesome Black Scale hand ring.
Christforeman rolling up with his ceiling intact.
Can’t say the same for his front bumper.
Rear wheels are usually tucked, but he was on an uneven slant.
Brandon’s EVO. MBN.
714 Tires has progressed quickly since it opened. I remember coming here when the business first started…nothing on the walls, just a couple of tire machines and some jacks. Now this place has so much room for activities and my good friends Vinh and John might be working here soon.
Abbitt’s face…I don’t know what to say, this guy wants me in him.
Told me to stop checking out his air setup and get in the car so we could do stuff.
He showed me his buttons and aired down for me.
Oh lawd, that fitment.
Fresh out of a container from Japan.
Abbitt already killin’ the game with a car that no one mods.
Went back to Unlimited Auto Craft to meet up with June and Kentaro. Not sure how June managed to get up that narrow driveway.
CAUTION wide wheels.
Polished is always nice on a white car.
Veddy nice, Kentaro.
Looks so damn good.
Introducing the newest employee at Unlimited Auto Craft, Vinh Luong. Hit him up for all your aftermarket car parts.
They also sell clothes!
Tucker is huckering for some tuckering.
Wish it went down a little lower, but I’m sure Tucker will make that happen soon.
-Errand Ass