As some of you may know, Derek aka “DUKDIKZ” made a career choice to go into the music industry. He got his shit together, went to the Musicians Institute in LA and recently, he got an internship with Rodney Jerkins. Derek got a chance to be the main sound engineer for The Track Burnaz and upcoming producing group from Miami. They saw Derek wearing the HOODRATstuff gear and thought it would be a great idea to collaborate with us. Derek set it up so we could meet at the studio and discuss the collaboration.
Derek’s GS300 is still intact even after living in LA for the past year. Amazing what air ride could do for a car.
Check out those bags under Derek’s eyes, this is a guy that’s been working hard in the studio.
Always reppin’.
One of the artists that The Track Burnaz and Derek has been working with is DB Bantino. DB is a writer, producer and rapper from D.C. and has some tracks that’s been used by a lot of artists.
The Track Burnaz and DB just recently released a song together that they made the day we met. Check it out here..
DB, Briggz and JB laced out with HOODRATstuff.
DB feeling himself.
DB laying down some lyrics.
HOODRATstuff in the studio.
JB feeling the wave.
The Track Burnaz consist of JB, Briggz and Ruben all from Miami.
JB getting that work in.
After the studio meet up, we had dinner with Hayle at EMC Seafood.
Salmon capriccio.
$1.50 oysters.
Hayle and Shavi are about to order the whole happy hour menu.
Soft shell crab sliders.
Most of the happy hour menu.
We decided to go back to the studio to kill some time, since going home from Calabasas to OC would have been a 2 hour drive because of traffic. We caught Derek and Ruben vibing out to some new beats.
DB putting the finishing touches to the song.
Hayle was feeling the song so much that she wanted to moon walk.
Shout out to Derek for putting this meeting together, we will definitely be doing some more stuff with The Track Burnaz, make sure you check out their Sound Cloud and Instagram!