RO in Japan | Tokyo Tourists
As some of you know, me and Vinh work for JDM Chemicals. JDM Chemicals is the main importer of Soft99 products from Japan. Soft99 knew we were coming and wanted us to come to their main headquarters in Tokyo for a brief demonstration of their new products and to check out the facility. You can check that out here on the JDM Chemicals website..
After the tour, Orie and Toshi from Soft99 took us to Autobacs where they were looking up something to do after. We decided that going to an Owl Cafe would be a cool thing to experience.
What’s an Owl Cafe? It’s literally a cafe with a bunch of owls you can pet and hang out with.
They have a fuck load of owls here…
Someone said these owls have vaginas as their faces..
This one looked like an old grandpa that hasn’t had sex since his wife died and hates that Barrack Obama is president.
Orie super into the owls.
Pretty cool that you can let them kick it on your arm.
The pictures don’t really show it, but this owl was gigantic. Probably able to pick up babies and shit.
“Yeah I’ll rip your balls off if this rope was keeping me here”
This sleepy owl looked pretty cute.
But it had a sinister look to it like it was plotting everyone’s deaths in his head.
“Yeah, you first”
Afterwards, they give you a pretty neat photo of you with the owls. Definitely worth the $15. Most owl cafes are by appointment only, so make sure you go online and get an appointment.
Afterwards we got some bomb Japanese hot pot style food..
Potatoe, cheese and stuff.
Tried to do a cool long exposure train shot, but Orie couldn’t stop laughing.
Neel got it on point.. Afterwards, everyone went home because they were tired. Me and Neel went out to explore Tokyo Tower.
The pictures do not do this tower justice.
It is a fucking monster of a tower..
Fear of heights activated…
The view was worth getting over my fear of heights.
Sweets and beautiful views.
We were playing with this touch screen thing that gave you information on all of the buildings and see how it would look during the day.
We must find all the mutants.
Another glass floor..
Amazing what humans can do.
Outside the Shinjuku station, there were performers. Crazy how they weren’t doing it for the money but just to jam it out in the streets and maybe catch the attention of a producer.
I love the city lights and signs.
Going to end it with this beautiful kebab. Something that you must try when in Japan.