RO in Japan | Tokyo Hangs
Today we embarked on a journey to Tokyo Tower, for some reason this was one of the places I remembered very well how to get to. We didn’t even need Google Maps to get here. The last time I went here we went during the night, so it was cool to see how everything is during the day.
On the way to Tokyo Tower, we passed by the temple which was way busier than last time I was here.
Training monkeys to do tricks is a common thing in Japan.
This one knew how to jump over sticks and what not. Kinda sad actually, I wanted to cut the rope and let it run free.
Heaven on wheels.
Soft serve ice cream is so damn good here in Japan.
Tokyo Tower.
Last time I was here I didn’t go all the way up because I didn’t think it would be worth it, but this time we did and man the view was insane.
You could see so far, it was ridiculous.
Butt buddies Neel and Vinh.
At night me and Vinh wanted to get some new face book profile pictures, so we went down some alleys and did some hipster shoots.
“Maybe, I should hold my phone and make it look like it’s a candid photo?”
Thirsty boyz.
Make sure you try all the sodas in the vending machines! You never know what you’ll like.
Vinh’s favorite.
This old guy was way too turnt.
These subway handles are pretty cool looking.
I will steal all of you.
Going around at night meant being squeezed into trains.
Shibuya crossing by night.
So many people!
This trip without Google maps would consist of us getting lost most of the time.
This Starbucks has a nice second floor where you can drink your coffee and people watch.
Tried to do some long exposure shots without a tripod. Didn’t come out so well..
Shibuya I miss you.