Aloha from Race Sauce, J Spirit and Yours Truly.
Aloha, today we got some coverage of the meet we had for Sara Choi from Race Sauce/VPR Hawaii. Crazy how being a Korean pop star Instagram famous gangster can bring together, so many people for a car meet. People from Las Vegas to San Jose came to the meet just to get a glimpse of the girl who drives a yellow CR S2000 in Hawaii. When we arrived to the meet, there were already a good amount of people who came early to get a good spot in the parking lot. Needless to say the parking lot was already filled on the M&M side of the meet in 20 minutes.
Jerald with his milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard. Watch out for his RSX build, it should be “cray”.
The star of the show, Sara. She makes that cup look really heavy.
Pure VIP coming early for some prime spots.
Johnne’s E60 drapped in the Pure VIP banner.
Love seeing NSXs stock or heavily modified.
People were rolling into the meet all night, it was awesome to see the flow of cars rushing into the parking lot.
Boss Company.
I always get a pretty good photo of Nabeel’s FRS whenever I see it.
Reppin’ all the homies. I love it.
I purposely took this photo, so it wouldn’t show his stock front wheels. Kinda useless now that I told you he has stocks up front..
Black line up of VIP cars. This is some Yakuza shit.
San Diego peeps rolling into the meet. Crazy how they’re dealing with some dangerous wildfires and fornados(fire + tornado). It’s so crazy down there that they invented the word fornado. Glad to know that they are safe.
The booginator.
The Arminator.
Not sure if she was taking a photo or finding the right lighting for the perfect selfie.
The craziest thing at the meet..
Just kidding, this was the craziest thing at the meet. Someone towed their car to the meet and drove it off the trailer to drive around the parking lot.
Nate and Brendan rolling up to the meet.
This meet had more than the usual amount of S2000s. #cuzofsara
Fitment is so sick.
RSX community seemed unified tonight.
How you should roll up to a meet.
LS Gang showed up that night too. Seemed like everyone was grouping up.
Keith showing up fashionably late.
So many people..
Kawaii Kentaro.
Allen’s IS300.
Andy’s Toyota Camry.
This guy posted a photo on Instagram saying how one of the only crew stickers he would put on his car would be a Royal Origin one. Thank you for that post, it touched every member of Royal Origin. We honestly think your car is cool as fuck and way better than Jimmy’s.
If I had a Miata…
Angelo is always running on Filipino time.
This Camry is fucking nuts.
Another Filipino late.
Kawaii gang sign.
All night people were holding this plastic bag up to their face. So weird.
Australian GQ model Jay Tien.
Ryan Gold is slowing turning into Santa Claus but he gives away car parts. Hit up his shop R&R motor works for anything automotive related.
Vu is serious about being serious.
Random mantis flew onto Henry’s shirt.
Tina and Sara posing for photos in bad lighting.
Brendan most likely talking about turbos and stock body car stuff.
Sutra OC model Phat.
Angelo probably telling me to drive lower and me about to back hand smack him.
Where it all started.
More still cars rolling in.
Jordan’s IS300 looks so much cooler now that it’s on air bags.
Nimo’s “she got a booty” face. This face usually occurs when you ask “does she got a booty?”
Chris Foreman. I’ve seen him grow from that 17 year old boy getting stuck over speed bumps at Oakley to this drifting, wheel flipper, cock sucking man right here. I remember I was there for his 18th birthday when we were at some parking structure at UCI. I made a lame joke saying it was his 18×13 birthday because he was running 18×13, wheels which was probably the widest on a 350z at the time. He went from that being who’s lower pissing contest to let’s just enjoy cars attitude and don’t give a fuck what others say. Well the last part he’s always been like that and that’s my favorite part about him. I hope you success and happiness in Tennessee. We’re going to all miss you and your stupid 350z.
Neel Nana. You were my first Indian friend and you perpetuated all the stereo types of how Apu from the Simpsons would talk. It was awesome the shit you would say like ” I gotta piss like a rock star”, “fuck that” or the classic “hoooddrraaaaaatt”. Not that many people know, but Neel is the mother fucking master of TFTI. You weren’t anywhere important or cool if Neel didn’t say TFTI back then. Now I really can’t invite you anywhere because you’re moving to Las Vegas. Make sure you throw the TFTIs at the Chivas and Gerald.
Nick Patel. The one memory that sticks out the most with you is the time we played basketball at one of our BBQs. We all picked teams and the team you were on someone complained that it was a bad match up. You told them to “shut up and let’s play”. Literally 10-15 minutes later, you beat my team in your fucking sandals. In sandals for God sakes, you were making it rain 3’s like a rich virgin with dollar bills at a strip club. That was probably the coolest shit ever that day. Good luck with your career in Ventura County, I’m sure you will love not having to micro manage anymore.
The dude in the green being hugged is Charles Lam. He’s moving to Amsterdam for a job in a couple of months. I’m going to miss going to coffee shops with this smooth talker. What I’m not going to miss is the smell of cigars at any automotive related event. Well, I might miss it a bit.
Thank you to everyone who came out and not doing stupid shit to get us kicked out. This meet was for Sara, but we had already planned a while ago to throw a meet for all the homies to get together one last time to where we all originally met. I am going to miss all you fuckers. Aloha for now.