OC Night Market
Spent my Saturday night going to the OC Night Market to check out what everyone has been raving about. This night market originally started in the 626 and expanded through out Southern California. I tried going to the first event, but upon arrival the line and crowd was too ridiculous. I hate standing in line. I’m glad they started this one in Costa Mesa and in a bigger venue; it made going to this event a lot easier for me.
The crowd of people at this event was still ridiculous.
A pho burger? Not bad.
Food trucks still going strong. I miss those days when I worked at California Grill Truck.
Birthday boy John was complaining I was too picky on my food selection. I just wanted something with no lines.
The line for Squid Roe was extremely long. Everyone was probably waiting in line to get served by these cuties.
Johnny looking super food coma-ish.
More people. I haven’t seen this many Asian people since my last family reunion.
Pretty neat trailer park/food truck that served Japanese curry.
Mr. Goes to a food event and doesn’t eat anything because he’s on a diet.
Mr. Ate all you can eat sushi, didn’t invite me and still came here just to hang out.
Miss photogenic.
Mamma’s special wings by I already forgot the truck’s name. It was pretty good.
Pork belly sliders. My favorite.
Juicy dark meat.
Combo breaker.
Delicious meat on a stick.
I wanted that Dim Sum shirt… Too bad they only had girl sizes..
Randomly saw a modified car in the clothing vendor section.
I want those jet pack balloons because of reasons…
Very cute handmade drawings for sale.
Extremely jealous…
The Gods themselves creating art.
That doesn’t look rigged at all. After I took this photo, a kid made it.
It was like 15 minutes til the event ended and it was still packed. Afterwards, we decided to hit up Afters Ice Cream because we figured all the Asians and food snobs would be at the OC Night Market and not waiting in the line at Afters.
Top 5.
Still a crowd here.
Joey serving us with the sweet stuff.
So many colorful selections.
Our little ice cream rainbow selection.
This is Jennifer, she is an ice cream fiend. She once ate 6 scoops of ice cream and 4 cookies in one sitting. True story. She also had ice cream before she met us up.
Tim is so cute when he smiles.
This is Justin, he waited in line for me at the night market so I could cut in line. Thanks!