Roll Up
After months of preparation and planning it was finally time to cruise out to our Vegas anniversary meet. We met up early as usual just to beat the Friday morning traffic and to get the McDonald’s morning menu. The whole morning I was extremely stressed because the house that we rented never sent me an email on how to check in and we were going to be in Vegas in 3 hours. I was also stressing on how I was going to fit all of the booth stuff to fit in my tiny Honda CRV, but luckily the lady finally emailed me on how to get into the house and I was able to split up all of the booth stuff into people’s cars. With all of the problems solved, we were on the road to Vegas!
Tul let Rodney take his car while he was in Vegas. Rodney left before we left my house but we somehow caught up to him on the freeway. It’s either Subaru are slow af or Rodney is a slow driver.
Met up with the prince on the freeway and he was slowing traffic down like crazy because of how many necks he was breaking.
Broke my neck as well.
If Barney could fit into a Lexus GS300 this would be his ride.
I love you, you love me, let’s wrap all the cars the color of Barney.
All jokes aside, this wrap looks pretty damn good. Kudos to Abbitt and if you guys are interested in getting your car wrapped hit up AW Stickers!
The drift boy wonder cruising with no bumper. He normally cruises with a missing piece of his car.
Rocky’s Mazda 3 is still a work in progress but he brought it out anyways just so he could cruise with us.
Ariana Grande rolling up and breaking necks at the meet up spot.
Nick’s ever so clean SC400.
Neel’s LS400.
Phat decided to take the Benzo out instead of the Porsche.
Barney being chased by some paparazzi. The next set of photos will just be rolling shots…. Enjoy!
After a couple of hours of cruising, we needed to take a pee break. Here we have a Vinh leading the way because of Rica’s small bladder.
Ryo was extremely happy to go to a restroom where you won’t get groped like in Japan.
Damn this wrap looks good.
W H I T E.
The trance style 350z.
Weird to see Keith in an Accord again.
Also weird to see Jimmy back on a set of Equips. Must be throwback Thursday or some shit.
Everyone searching for Vinh’s battery. Hint it’s in the back seat.
The prince is tired of your shit.
Aaron’s car ran out of gas at the stop. His fuel meter doesn’t work so he didn’t know he was running on empty.
I’m not sure what was the reason for this..
The real housewives of Royal Origin.
Still looking for that battery…
First time ever seeing Vinh’s car in immaculate shape. Usually there is paint missing on the front bumper, the front lip is broken or the fenders are fucked. Great to see Ariana Grande in great form.
Jimmy and Big Vinh welcoming Vinh to the 714 crew. Yes, there are too many niggas named Vinh..
Dessert storm.
Shitty things about the newer cars is the tabs. It breaks so easily and comes off when you’re driving at high speeds.
That’s it for now, check back for more shenanigans.
As always there are a lot more photos in the galleria below.