Thursty Thursday | The Thirst is Fucking Real
Lately, there have been some thirstyass people on the internet, so we decided to throw a meet that would quench their thirst. We didn’t want it to be a big meet, so we didn’t promote it until the day of. We were hoping that the lot wouldn’t be too overflowed with cars like the last time we held the meet here, and got kicked out.
The crowd was pretty big that day, even for a meet that was promoted only 18 hours ago.
In the city of Westminster, you will see a lot of Lexuses and once in a while, it’ll be VIPed out.
My favorite part of any meet is when the cars roll in. Driving through a crowd, breaking necks, and finding the best parking is always fun to me.
The search for good parking seemed impossible. It took a lot of patience and clever maneuvering.
Nicely fitted Civic on RPF1’s.
Pretty ridiculous camber in the rear on this Civic.
So beautiful.
Thanks for reppin’, Michael!
Michael’s Accord.
Loc’s clean IS300.
Brandon and Jerald came down to support our meet! They even parked in a No Parking zone like the badasses they are.
GS on 7 series wheels.
Hong’s freshly painted S13.
Colby’s bicycled pumped Subie.
Gold member.
I hit gold in this area of the parking lot.
Slammed G.
D R I F T B E A T E R.
Thanks for the invite. Must be nice.
Race cars.
Sadly, this car is for sale…check out the listing here.
White on white is such a classic.
Dr. Pepper for Adam.
Top down life.
This car is louder than a crowd of little girls at a Justin Bieber concert.
Shaun’s brand new BRZ. Already drifted.
Cruising out. Thanks for swinging by!
This car makes me thirsty.
Tastea needs to start giving us discounts for always bringing them a shit load of business.
Hidden in the dark.
Perfectly built. Right hand drive, too, with some custom Regamasters.
Lerry and his Hippo came out to the pond to quench their thirst.
When the first cop shows up is when you know you should start leaving. And here, we begin the roll out…
Duy and Heather are the first to dip out. They don’t fuck with the pigs.
The traffic begins.
Big Vinh, trying to leave…he ended up staying. O whales…
Don’t see this too often.
Pretty sweet Audi.
Wish this car was parked in a more well lit area. I wanted a good photo of it.
Whoa, a non-Japanese car.
F R S.
Damn, this S2000 is clean.
Armand, putting his JDM plate on.
Devil horns.
The new Booshma.
The little Miata that couldn’t.
GC8s look so good. One of my favorite Subaru models.
Getting ready for race wars.
U L T R A M A N. Thanks for always being at our meets!
Recently featured on Hella Flush. Ricky’s Genesis.
The red devil has some new shoes. Looks absolutely crazy! Great job Armand!
Adam, rolling out…that ride height tho.
Angelo, following the 626 crowd.
Late, as usual, and he’s a local. Fucking Jimmy.
Thanks everybody for coming out on such short notice! Be on the lookout for the next Thursty Thursday!