Factory: Kung Fu Federation
My good friend Hanh asked me to help him out by shooting his clothing brand Factory. We met up bright and early on the sketch side of Santa Ana, where people ask to use your phone every other minute, but also where run down buildings make interesting photo shoot spots. Hanh has been designing clothes for years and has a very creative mind. He is one of those people who doesn’t care for the fame and fortune, but just loves to design. He expresses himself through his clothing brand Factory. I have been a fan of his work since the P.I.G. days and continue to admire his work. Now I would like to present to you guys Factory: A Kung Fu Summer.
A basket full of ideas and inspiration.
This summer, Hanh introduces some quality button-ups. Mr. Dynamite.
Chop his head off!
The empire must fall.
Brandon’s IS300, probably remember me shooting it a while ago. The Whiskey Devil.
This would have to be my favorite shirt this season. The Humble Champ.
Caps to block the harsh summer rays.
A day filled with donuts and laughter.
Check out the store and “like” Factory on Facebook!