
Visiting Rotiform

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So I randomly dropped by Rotiform in Westminster, California to start on one of my newer projects and discuss some plans with them. And as always it was a treat visiting the facility and seeing what was laying around. Nothing but the best here.

Rotiform caps laying around at home.

Machine Faced Concave NUEs

Brushed Concave NUEs

Gloss White Concave NUEs

Gloss White one-piece INDs

15″ Forged TMBs; Nearly completed and ready to go

SNA face laying around getting ready to be put together

Brian Henderson’s Porsche 964 on some old school Rotiform’d Stepped-up BBS wheels; These are only temporary for something amazing.

These are some of the cars that greet you as you come into the warehouse/facility parking area. Old school Chevrolet on NUEs and Mitsubishi Ralliart Sportback on INDs.

I will probably be back here real soon as my projects progress. Be on the look out for more updates.


-Shavi W.

I'm from Orange County, California just doing what I have grown to love. You can follow me at my Instagram and Tumblr: @ShaviW

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