When is the heart going to die down? I swear my weekends have been filled with sweat drenched t-shirts and peculiar moistness on the underside of my sack. Even with all of this ridiculous heat, we braved Auto Enthusiast day from 9AM-7PM and what impressed us the most was the amount of spectators and car show attendees who also stayed the whole day, that’s some dedication. Auto Enthusiast Day presented by Nitto Tire is a great event to attend because it includes a car show, a vast amount of vendors, drift demonstrations from your favorite Formula Drift drivers and it’s all free. I wasn’t brave enough to leave our booth until 6pm and with the show ending at 7pm, I thought it would be a good idea to shoot at this time. Sadly, at 5pm they were already letting people leave the show, so I wasn’t able to take photos of all the cars that were in attendance. Enjoy the photos!
Miata slam.